ZERO PER ZERO LOGO ZERO PER ZERO’s identity revolves around cities and travel. The logo reflects the 6 continents of the world in simple...
KNOCK CREATIVE 노크 크리에이티브 2011 달력
KNOCK CREATIVE Client: Knockcreative www.knockcreative.com knock creative Character design for 2011 calendar Contact:...
SANGSANGMADANG DM Client : sangsangmadang (hongdae-ap, Seoul) Relative Article CA magazine july, 2011 일러스트레이션, 브랜딩, 애니메이션 등 다양한 분야에서 꾸준히...
10 CORSO COMO 10 꼬르소 꼬모
10 CORSO COMO Client: 10 corso como City map coverd with pattern of 10 Corso Como Available for Seoul, NYC and Tokyo Limited edition /...
ASIANA 아시아나 매거진
MAPS FOR ASIANA Client : Asiana, Ahn Graphics Seoul map for Asiana magazine Incheon Airport map for Asiana magazine Contact:...
THE FADER Client : the Fader magazine. creative director, Phil Bicker Contributor : Dahyung Han (english) A map for David Byrne the Fader...
HOKKAIDO Hokkaido is the northernmost of the four major islands of Japan. This region is famous for its powder snow, and its winter...