서울에 집 없다
Date : 9 November 2017 - 2 December 2017
Venue Exhibition : SPACE 1632
The third exhibition in SPACE 1632 ; NO HOUSE IN SEOUL by flat.m
The exhibition for a furniture project called NONE-FICTION HOME by flat.m, the space design studio.
New designed furniture such as chairs, desks went together with pictures and sounds effects by Byul.Org
공간디자인스튜디오 flat.m에서 전개하는 가구 프로젝트인 논픽션홈의 전시를 위해
새로 제작된 의자와 책상, 책장 등의 가구와 사진들, 모임 별의 소리가 함께하는 전시입니다.
photo by flat.m
This exhibition was previously held at Space1632 Gallery, which is currently not open to the public. Please refer to the archive page (under construction) for past exhibitions. We apologize for any inconvenience caused
SPACE 1632 갤러리에서 열었던 전시입니다. 현재 갤러리는 운영되고 있지 않습니다.